I spent a number of weeks putting together a travel video highlighting all what I did from Germany all the way through to Turkey. I had a lot of fun editing it and even more fun filming it, only wish I filmed more of the people I met. Next time!
Where I went vs. where I planned
Here’s a map covering where I planned to go versus where I actually went. Stayed pretty close to where I wanted to go, but not completely. Markers are places where I spent a decent amount of time visiting (a whole day, not just a stopover). I counted about 30 different cities/places.
Purple is the planned route, Orange is the actual route. You can turn the layer view off or on in the little panel.
Click for the full view below for a better look.
Final Picture flying from Seattle
8:10am. Gentle waves meeting the shore set a rhythmic ambience to the room. A cruise ship sounding its horn complements the coastal soundscape. The horn becomes more frequent. Faster it echoes, bringing a sense of urgency. It becomes louder. Louder still. The waves are gone, the horn is morphing into a buzzer. It has become a nightmare. Oh, no, its just my alarm. The last morning-alarm that I will be hearing on a different continent for some time.
Yep that’s it, the end date of my trip has arrived. I’m currently getting a little sauced somewhere over the North Pole and so many people are sleeping through this free booze train plane, while I’m taking advantage while I can. I even see Santa boozing down below. So I thought it would be a good time to write a post.
I didn’t know what to expect before venturing on this trip. That’s not totally true, I had expectations but the majority of them were proven wrong which I’m stoked on. I overuse strong descriptor words as well as its hard to put it into a sentence how much I enjoyed this trip, but I’ll try. At first I didn’t really see how travelling/backpacking could be addicting, I was enjoying it at first, no doubt, but after a bit it really clicked with me. Its like the lifestyle of post-secondary but on the road. You are constantly meeting new people, are always doing something new and gaining (I think anyway) a bit of an education along the way.
Near the start of the trip I came to the conclusion that for me I can really see amazing sights: landscapes, buildings, cities, museums, etc. But its the people you meet that really makes the trip. I never got tired of hearing about people’s stories, what their goals are, their passions, their fears, their reasons for traveling — quite the opposite actually, I would really look forward to them. Its talking about me that I would want to quickly get through. I know that’s a shock that me, a perfect and humble man would get tired of hearing awe and admiration over myself but no its true, I did.
Things I’d recommend:
Go out on the first night when you arrive at a hostel. Best way to meet people and have some good stories for the next day. You can sleep when you’re on the road or during official siesta time (highly recommended)
Put yourself out there. Do it.
Try not to beat yourself up when you’re overtired, stressed and went on the wrong bus to who knows where. Its all part of the adventure.
Over-budget for the trip. I’m normally pretty frugal and save lots at home *cough*cheapass blame the Scottish genes*cough* but you’ll have less worries if you can treat yourself more often.
Write a journal or at least do what I did which was half a dozen point notes on what I did, where, who, food, etc.
If tired of taking pics/video, continue to take pics/video. A shitty shot of something is better than an imaginary amazing shot of something. Hot damn I’m deep.
Pack light. I JUST barely had to use my small day pack as checked luggage along with my big pack.
Things I wouldve done differently:
Write a less shitty blog. Haah! I think its lack of redeeming qualities makes it charming.
Only pack one pair of grandpa pants. These non-wrinkle, non-stain slacks are comfortable but paired with sneakers they make me feel like that weird kid on the playground that would just run around by himself, longing for friendship and acceptance but only receiving glares and cringes. Please someone play with me..
Oh uh, and replace one with another pair of jeans. I picked another pair up a couple days ago and I feel normal again. But oh sweet goodness my backpack is full.
Brought a low profile decent looking shoe. Depending on space this was a hard one to cut out.
And for next time:
Stay longer in some places. I felt like this is a common trend among friends and people I’ve met, for the first big trip to do a whirlwind tour (which I’m very happy I did) and next time I will spend more time in less places. I loved learning phrases in different languages especially since I was in the slavic speaking Balkans for so long, that I would love to do even longer in a single country and learn a bit more!
So where’s next? Maybe UK and Baltics or just the Baltics – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania? Or maybe Baltics and Scandivialand? Somewhere around there is what I’m feeling. But that may change, it’ll be a while before I hit the skies again. At leeeast until January 1. 😉
I plan to post photos and more indepth advice on cities/countries for those that are interested in visiting the same places in the coming weeks, since I find some online resources completely false, like the language guides especially. Made me look a fool a couple of times. Which isn’t too different from normally, but if I can avoid it I try to.
I hope this blog was mildly interesting over the last couple months, it was a good basket for me to throw in a shallow overview of what I did in a place pretty easily so I can look at it later, and if it entertained then all the better. I’m excited to look through all of my photos from my camera, its been a while since I’ve seen some of them.
A video dripping in Rocky-esque montage inspiration will come shortly as well. Back home tonight on Friday (double party night!?) and then back into the swing of things on Monday which I’m excited for!
May the road always rise to meet you fellow travellers and friends 🙂 its been a fun few months.
East n’ Bull
63 days into my adventure and my last stop is Istanbul. Past Cody was a smart man for planning to go here because this city is unbelievable. I can’t grasp the size or just how a place this big can feel so neighbourly, it feels like I couldve spent a year there and not seen even a quarter of what it has to offer. I could tell that my trip was nearing its end since I was getting pretty touristed out and as a result didn’t even hit some of the must-see places. N YOU KNOW WUT!? I don’t feel guilty at all. My attitude has been if I’m happy with what I’m doing then that’s all I need. I can hit that stuff later 😀
Happenstance led me to meet some international culinary students and locals that we hung out with for 3 days which turned out to be a highlight of this city and even this trip. I got to see parts of Istanbul that I normally wouldn’t have ventured in to and just got to chill with some fine people. The dates timed out perfectly too that we were able to hit Turkey’s Independence Day. I don’t think I’ve been in a crowd that big in my life. And so much passion for Ataturk, it was infectious and bodacious.
And it was no problem making Emancipator’s show, brought a few folks from the hostel along and had a siiiick time. They put on a killer set and made arriving early really worth it.
Booze is not cheap in Turkey. It is an outrage and borderline criminal. Especially when coming from Bulgaria where they pay you to drink. Pretty much anyway.
I stayed on the tourist side in Istanbul, but next time I’ll look into Taksim area since I was over there 90% of the time anway. My stats are BS because fine arts major.
Now onto the sentimental, nostalgic, cheesy and over-mushified conclusion post. Prepare your tissues.
Size comparison
I just like saying it
BAM! I had a plan. And that plan was to see Emancipator live in Istanbul. This meant two things: I would have to crush some time out of Romania and secondly I would have to swallow the cost of getting to…
Veliko Tarnovo. A more relaxed place that’s even more fun to say. Has a very interesting fort that I spent a couple hours stumbling through. Another highlight was the UFO tour. You offroad to a communist discotek on top of a mountain and you party with some comrades. Not really, but you get to explore this massive communist eagle’s nest and scale the top and dangle your feet on a 70-80m high tower. One of the highlights of my entire trip, it was unbelievable.
The Emancipator story continues! Will I make it in time to see this triphop artist or will I fail?? The moderately interesting conclusion next!
Bashful Brasov
Brasov was such a cool city. Quieter with lots to offer, wish I couldve spent longer here as well. My pacing of my trip earlier has forced me to rush through Romania unfortunately, I wanted two weeks but spent only a week. It was on my travel bucketlist to see a concert of an artist I like and after searching I saw Emancipator will be playing in Istanbul at the end of the week. It only meant one thing… Skipping Bucharest. I will be back!
Also Bran castle (Dracula’s castle) isn’t what my childhood led me to believe. No bats. No thunder. And no precarious pathway to the entrance. Still interesting though.
Views in Cluj
I only spent two nights in Cluj which I suspect is a larger Timisoara because of its big student population and vibrant nightlife. I don’t know for sure because I didn’t see a whole lot of the city! I went on a tour around Cluj to an ice cave, salt mine and rural areas eating local Romanian grub. At some ungodly hour I hustled my way to Brasov with a friend, missing the bus by minutes and ending up using the train. Worked out for the best! Met some good locals that kept feeding Palinka (I think – its a local spirit) to us but not before passing out. That old timer put it away but it won in the end.