Category Archives: Bosnia & Herzegovina

Ain’t Nothin’ but a Peanut

Everything will be all right

Everything will be all right


imageLike a phoenix rising from the ashes, or like a man rising up from his bed 7 times throughout the night to purge the heresy from deep within his soul.. The blog is back.

I can hear the cheers from here!

Now it wasn’t 6 days of me pouting and feeling sorry for myself to finally gain enough composure to start it up again, it was more like 5.5, but I’m just happy to post pictures again. I will try to recount the past week in the next few posts as best I can, but here’s a quick update.

Sarajevo was a very cool experience. An interesting dichotomy of east meets west and war torn meets modern 5-star hotels. It has a great night life. I checked out, among other bars, a jazz bar located in the basement of a building and it was so good. The next day I went on a good tour all around Sarajevo and learned about the war in some detail. Our guide actually fought on the front lines and from his descriptions of the battles, about losing friends and family, and actually returning to places where his fellow soldiers and friends were carried out on stretchers I don’t know how he was such a cheery guy. Maybe just grateful to be alive? Pretty surreal to see bullet holes in tombstones. After the tour I met up with some people and went to dinner, it was a good time.

And then I ate the soup.

I’ve been battling a cough (black lung I’m sure of it) for weeks now so I thought some nice vegetable soup at a vegetarian restaurant would be a prime choice. Because of all the meat and bread I’ve eaten I really wanted a break from it. It was not a prime choice. I can’t prove it was the soup that spawned one of the worst illnesses I’ve dealt with, but I just know.
“Oh, I have soup left for one person only!” The waitress said.
“Durrrr Cody will have some,” I reply. My big eyes and dumb grin grow like the bacteria that’s been festering in the improperly stored soup for who knows how long.
“Hmm its luke warm,” I casually think to myself. As a slave to my hunger I continue to slurp it down. Every. Last. Drop.

Like the Black Hand to the Archduke, I was a marked man. 3 hours later would start the largest expulsion of foreign material from my rippling and chiselled body that I’ve ever experienced. I’m still recovering from it a week later (tip: Croatian pharmacies and pharmacists RULE). I could have gotten it in any country at any restaurant or even at home, so no hard feeling Sarajevo. Really wish I couldve seen more of you, you sassy minx.

I arrived to Montenegro today after hitting Dubrovnik which was one of my favourite experiences so far, more on that in a future post.

My phone is not fixed, and internet here is snails on the computer but I have some workarounds (thank you Lenny for the PSP, you are a beauty).

My friend Natalie flies in tomorrow so I’m stoked to see her and chill for the next week!

I also want to say hey to my workmates, I can’t access email to harass any of you anymore but know that I would if I could. Thinking of y’all back home, hopefully you’re enjoying the warm sea breezes and warm waters.. Oh wait. Ha hahaaa. Just kidding, please let me have a job when I get back.

New Media Man battles technology in Sarajevo

The only photo on my phone. I am not implying anything.

The only photo on my phone. I am not implying anything.

I am very used to technology failing. I think I’m pretty good at troubleshooting and problem solving due to all the times I’ve had computers work in a way they shouldn’t, hell my degree was basically how not to crash a program every 5 minutes while making pretty pictures. Well a new wrench has been thrown at my gear, err, gears. My phone uses separate servers to route email and its messaging service through. That stopped working a few days ago. No big deal, I can still use the internet. Today, after visiting the site of Franz Ferdinand’s first concert which sparked WWI or something, my phone stopped recognizing the SD card. I have no access to music or the photos, videos I’ve been taking on my phone. Ok no big deal, I am pretty sure I can recover them once I’m back home. However now I can’t even save photos to the internal memory. That’s no good.

I’ve been in contact with my mobile carrier but there’s only so much they can do via email, and I’m not interested in spending $2/min via payphone to get it sorted (no guarantees). So this is kind of a bummer. I liked just posting photos here and writing a little blurb, it was quick and easy. If I can’t get this sorted I will have to resort to just text, but it won’t be as often. Text sucks. Pictures mo’ bettah. Fingers crossed my phone deals with its daddy issues and cools its shit.

World War III

Pocitelj a Medieval Town

Pocitelj a Medieval Town

view from the bank which was used as a sniper tower

view from the bank which was used as a sniper tower

An incredible couple days in Mostar. I ended up staying another night to join this highly rated tour organized through the hostel. 12 hours of touring later and I am thrilled I stayed! I learned so much and about how messed up this war was, which what the locals refer to as WWIII. Went swimming under waterfalls, visited a village which was overshadowed by a monstrous cave and enjoyed herb and flower drinks (non-alcohol, I was good) prepared by a local woman and much more. Truly one of the highlights of my trip, I would recommend it to everyone. Early train to Sarajevo tomorrow so signing off!


The Old Bridge

The Old Bridge

Made it to Mostar today and it is another complete change from Croatia. Bus ride aside, its a very different feeling place with a vast but also painful history that I will be learning more about tomorrow. Unfortunately the tour which I was aiming on catching doesn’t run while I’m here, but you learn a lot just wandering through the town. Bosnia vs. Slovakia is on right now and the streets are packed around the pub TVs, its quite a sight!