Category Archives: Bulgaria

I just like saying it

Fortress beer is tradition

Fortress beer is tradition

One of the coolest forts I've visited

One of the coolest forts I’ve visited

UFO Communist Building

UFO Communist Building

Inside the UFO

Inside the UFO

BAM! I had a plan. And that plan was to see Emancipator live in Istanbul. This meant two things: I would have to crush some time out of Romania and secondly I would have to swallow the cost of getting to…

Veliko Tarnovo. A more relaxed place that’s even more fun to say. Has a very interesting fort that I spent a couple hours stumbling through. Another highlight was the UFO tour. You offroad to a communist discotek on top of a mountain and you party with some comrades. Not really, but you get to explore this massive communist eagle’s nest and scale the top and dangle your feet on a 70-80m high tower. One of the highlights of my entire trip, it was unbelievable.

The Emancipator story continues! Will I make it in time to see this triphop artist or will I fail?? The moderately interesting conclusion next!

Sofia, Sofia

Church at another unknown time in the morning - Sofia

Church at another unknown time in the morning – Sofia

From the hostel in Sofia!

From the hostel in Sofia!

Closer to the Cathedral

Closer to the Cathedral

Cathedral in Sofia

Cathedral in Sofia

More words to come. Too sleeeeepy

[Edit:] Hitting capitals harder than the shift key, Sofia was the next one on the list. Only spent a couple nights there but had a good time. It has quite a history with a ton of roman ruins underneath the city which has made it a PITA to dig subway tunnels. Joined in on some anti-government protests (sorry mom) and the passion was infectious. Shot straight up to Nis, Serbia afterward.