New Media Man battles technology in Sarajevo

The only photo on my phone. I am not implying anything.

The only photo on my phone. I am not implying anything.

I am very used to technology failing. I think I’m pretty good at troubleshooting and problem solving due to all the times I’ve had computers work in a way they shouldn’t, hell my degree was basically how not to crash a program every 5 minutes while making pretty pictures. Well a new wrench has been thrown at my gear, err, gears. My phone uses separate servers to route email and its messaging service through. That stopped working a few days ago. No big deal, I can still use the internet. Today, after visiting the site of Franz Ferdinand’s first concert which sparked WWI or something, my phone stopped recognizing the SD card. I have no access to music or the photos, videos I’ve been taking on my phone. Ok no big deal, I am pretty sure I can recover them once I’m back home. However now I can’t even save photos to the internal memory. That’s no good.

I’ve been in contact with my mobile carrier but there’s only so much they can do via email, and I’m not interested in spending $2/min via payphone to get it sorted (no guarantees). So this is kind of a bummer. I liked just posting photos here and writing a little blurb, it was quick and easy. If I can’t get this sorted I will have to resort to just text, but it won’t be as often. Text sucks. Pictures mo’ bettah. Fingers crossed my phone deals with its daddy issues and cools its shit.

3 thoughts on “New Media Man battles technology in Sarajevo

  1. Courtney

    Boo to technology! Big Boo to Blackberry! Hope you’re able to get everything sorted out! I quite enjoy your pictures with short blurbs.

  2. Team ICOM

    Cody! That is not great news friend! We are enjoying your updates and stories about the shenanigans you are getting yourself into! We have a Town Hall on Friday, so we can guarantee there will be a BIG shout out to you on your travels.

    Miss you!

    Everyone at ICOM!

    1. cgadmin Post author

      I’m glad you’re enjoying my adventures. Make sure to say hi to everyone for me! Miss ya all (except Sam – juuuust kidding). Have a beer for me, because I’ve definitely been having a few during my trip!


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